
Tuesday, 7 July 2020

WLJ: Day 2: Activity 2: Character Description of The BFG.

Task Description:

The writer, fighter pilot, spy, and inventor Roald Dahl was a British writer. The most popular
author is Charly & The Chocolate Factory, George's Marvellous Medicine, the Big Friendly Giant and Matilda. It has authorship of hundreds of books. Some of his books have been turned into movies, like the BFG.

What we had to do:

For activity 2 of week 1 we had to write a Character Description about the BFG (Big Friendly Giant) this is a movie that has been created by the famous Roald Dahl and above is a little paragraph about him.  We also had to include at least 10 descriptive words about the BFG and draw a picture of him too. Down below is the task and I hope you enjoy, stay tuned to all the blog posts I post this week.


The Big Friendly Giant is  enormous and he has massive ears, nearly bigger than his head. He has a considerate heart and he refuses to hurt children unlike his brothers, the BFG is a deeply blissful giant and even loves to catch dreams all the away. He's met a little girl name Sophie and they've got an incredible relationship between the two of them. He wears huge green pants and a gigantic brown rusty jacket, he is the tiniest giant out of all his brothers and youngest too. That means his brother's are ten times bigger than him, the BFG has a low dark voice and sounding like an old man. This giant may smell like the kind of vegetables that they eat like pickles and  zucchini's, also he can run quick like lighting and disappear out of nowhere, he's The BFG.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Paige, I can tell you know this novel well OR you listened closely to the clip that was shared as part of this activity! I'm glad to read that you're enjoying the Winter Learning Journey! Well done Paige, I enjoyed reading your description of the BFG. Meitaki maata Paige!
