
Monday 28 September 2020

SLJ Activity 1 - Book Worms.

Spring Learning Journey

Spring Learning Journey (SLJ) : This school holidays ours teachers have made us a Spring Learning Journey, which means we post an activity each day that is put down for us. We learn and create each task that is given and I will be posting from Monday-Friday this week. Stay tuned for all the cool and amazing things I post on my blog for the Spring Learning Journey. 

Task Description: For this activity ( No. 1) we have got given to design, create, or draw our own book cover of our favourite book. So then we can draw anything that could match our favourite book and a phrase in my class is 'Don't judge a book by it's cover' because most people just pick books by the cover. Whether it's cool or fun to read to don't judge it because what is written inside may not be as fun to read than the cover. Then we post it to our blog and I hope you enjoy what I have drawn for my favourite book which is 'Amulet Fire Light'.


  1. Thanks for sharing the book cover you designed. I hope you enjoyed thinking through what images to draw to capture the attention of your audience. Well done

  2. Hi Paige

    Great job on your book cover design. I particularly like the shapes you have used to depict the flames. I may have to take a look at this book. Keep up the good work!
